Koalas are an iconic Australian animal that attract admirers from all over the world. But aside from their adorable appearance, koalas play a key role in our bushland. They can eat up to a kilogram of Eucalyptus leaves a day, “helping to control plant growth, balance the forest ecosystem and support forest life for insects and birds“.
So what can we do to ensure their survival in the Australian landscape?
Habitat Solutions has begun collaboration and implementation of conservation actions for Koalas on some recent projects through the creation of Vegetation Management Plans (VMP’s) and revegetation using Koala Feed Trees with local provenance.
This is all being done in alignment with the NSW Government’s $190m investment into a targeted Koala Strategy working towards the long-term goal of doubling Koala numbers in NSW by 2050.
This initial 5-year investment is based on four pillars outlined by the NSW Government, with their key targets listed below.
Pillar 1: Koala Habitat Conservation
- $107.1 million to fund the protection, restoration and improved management of 47,000 hectares of koala habitat
- 22,000 ha of koala habitat protected
- 25,000 ha of koala habitat restored
- One area of Outstanding Biodiversity Value and 20 Assets of Intergenerational Significance for koalas secured
Pillar 2: Supporting Local Communities to Conserve Koalas
- $19.6 million to fund partnerships across NSW
- Up to 8 regional partnerships with local councils and conservation groups
- 10 koala stronghold areas better secured
- At least 10 councils supported to develop koala habitat maps
Pillar 3: Improving the Safety and Health of Koalas
- $23.2 million to remove threats, improve health and rehabilitation, and establish a translocation program
- At least 10 vehicle strike hotspots addressed
- Up to 8 translocation projects implemented
- More than 500 vets and vet nurses to receive wildlife care training
Pillar 4: Building our Knowledge of Koalas
- $43.4 million to fill knowledge gaps and better understand NSW Koalas populations
- Baseline surveys in up to 50 populations
- Ongoing monitoring at a minimum of 20 sites
- Koala genetic diversity mapping
- Priority research continued
You can read more on the above here.
We hope that by partnering with private and government sectors alike who are taking steps towards achieving conservation goals, that we can make a significant difference to the welfare of koalas now and into the future.